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China Wet Market Outlook

China's wet market outlook: the overall penetration rate is still low, the market still has more space to be tapped!
Wet wipes are moist tissues used to wipe the skin. There are two main types of wipes: one has been sterilized itself, but can not be sterilized other items, which contains skin care ingredients, play a role in moist skin care; the other is its own has been sterilized, and other items can also play a role in disinfecting disinfectant wipes, can be used to do the disinfection of the skin abrasions, scratches and other disinfectant or bactericidal.
From the global wet wipes market size The global wet wipes market size was $14.447 billion and $15.356 billion in 2019 and 2020, respectively, and the 2020 epidemic outbreak spawned demand for disinfectant wet wipes products.

Currently, the consumption scale and per capita consumption level of wet wipes in China are much lower than the European and American markets, the overall penetration rate is still low, so China's wet wipes market still has a large space to be tapped, and the future wet wipes market prospects are broad, and it is expected that China's wet wipes market size will reach 18 billion yuan by 2025.

China Wet Medium Market Size and Forecast 2016-2025 ($Billion)